vrijdag 8 mei 2009

How do I become a Web Designer

Did you always wanted to be a Webpage Designer, but were afraid to ask how to become one? Just read the life story of Sebastian...

First name : sebastian

Function/job description : designer, managing director of a family owned pr and design company

Studies : I didn't finish my design studies because of boredom and because I had less time as i was working already

Previous job(s) : always designer

How did you find your current job : since I have always been creative, i never had any other job in mind

What are your main tasks at work : it is splitted in two parts:
1. designs for web and print, creating ideas of advertising campaigns etc.
2. client contact, organisation etc.

Which qualities do you need to perform your job : stamina, knowledge of design, knowledge of web and print technologies/programms (in these days good designers should know how to connect both techniques), soft skills
for client contacts, as our business is going more international some knowledge of the english language is neccessary

Which aspect of your job do you like best : i am in the great position to attend the process of a designwork from the very beginning idea to the finish, what is very satisfying. besides i have the possibility to
invent new ideas or technologies in our company. in a nutshell: every day is a challenge

what don't you like about your job : too much time in the office. i dont mind spending 16h/day in front of the computer, but i wished i could do it (like at rare free weekends) in a cafe or somewhere with my laptop.
less time for my girlfriend and no time for sports.. for a former professional icehockey player quite hard

Famous last words: if you are not glad to spend your lifetime for design, you can't stand that business

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